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jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2009

The Flying Machine - Ray Bradbury

The Flying Machine - Ray Bradbury


Ray Douglas Bradbury (born August 22, 1920) is an American mainstream, fantasy, horror, science fiction, and mystery writer. Best known for his dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451 and The Martian Chronicles, Bradbury is widely considered one of the greatest and most popular American writers of speculative fiction of the twentieth century. Ray Bradbury's popularity has been increased by more than 20 television shows and films using his writings This story is set in China many centuries ago, where a servant to the emperor notices a man that has created a contraption for flying. The emperor is not at all happy when he asks the inventor his purpose in creating such a device and is told that the inventor's motivation was merely the desire for innovation. Thus the emperor orders that the inventor shall be executed because, while his flying machine may be a beautiful creation, the emperor sees the devastating potential for those who "have evil in their eyes" and will seek to use it for purposes other than the enjoyment of flight, namely flying over the Great Wall of China. For this reason, the inventor is executed, the flying machine burned, and all who saw it are silenced. But in the last line the Emperor suddenly sees the futility of his actions, when he realises birds were the spark of the innovation and will be again.
Some questions
1. Why did the emperor call for his guards to execute the flier?
2. Do you agree with the emperor's concerns? Why or why not?
3. What would you have done if you had been the emperor?
4. What do you think was Ray Bradbury's purpose in writing "The Flying Machine"?
5. What comment is he making on human nature?
6. Why do you think Bradbury set the story in China AD 400?


1- Where and when is this story set?
This story takes place in china, in the year 400 AD. In those times in Europe the church was against any form of knowledge which could have been against its thought.
The new invention could destroy the status quo. The great wall was a barrier that protected them (the Chinese) from any invasion - or invention. The flying machine was a threat against the empire

2- What does the flying machine represent?
Maybe the division/connection between the two worlds. It also represents a limit from development, revolution, evolution, freedom.

3- Who are the main characters of the story?
The emperor, the scientist or inventor, and the servant.

4- What kind of man is the emperor?
The emperor is a man who does not want progress. He is a despot and murderer.
He thinks any progress can threaten his land (his domain), so he will prevent any attempt.
He wants to be the best “inventor”, and perhaps, the emperor has / suffers from the
inventor‘s envy because, the flyer’s invention is much more important/creative than his.

The servant is a poor man, submissive. He ignores many things; he believes and trusts in his emperor. He thanks the emperor for letting him be alive/sparing his life. He accepts the invention. (I do not think that he thinks that the flying machine was dangerous)
The inventor is a revolutionary man, intelligent and adventurous. In those times it was dangerous to do something different and daring, however, he created the flying machine.

The inventor is brave with the emperor, because he wants to fight when the emperor orders to kill him. But he was submissive too, because on bended knee, he asks forgiveness.

5.Differences and similarities between the emperor’s invention and the flyer’s invention:
Both inventions mean beauty.

The emperor’s invention represents the empire’s ideals. He has an ideal empire. And the wall represents a prison.
Instead, the flyer´s invention represents freedom. It was a real invention.
The emperor’s invention was closed by a key. His empire was closed within the Wall. On the other hand, the flyer’s invention was an instrument that allows men to fly, and leads to freedom

6-A metaphor compares two unlike things, without the use of a comparison word, such as like or as. What metaphor does Bradbury use to describe the Great Wall? What function does the wall serve?
Splendid snake of stones. The Great Wall serves to protect the Chinese from the enemies

7- What do you think the conflict, or struggle, in the story will be?
The conflict will be perhaps, for the status quo. The emperor wants to keep his powers.

8- On what grounds does the flying man ask for mercy?
The flyer asks for mercy because he was an inventor too. He thinks the emperor has to consider what he has created because his own invention – the flying machine - was similar to the one the emperor has invented. They are both creators .

9- How does the emperor justify his treatment of the flying man?
The emperor says that sometimes you have to sacrifice some things, to prevent others from happening.

10- Why do you think the narrator ends the story with the emperor watching the birds in his mechanical garden?
The emperor says that only the birds can fly. Everything remains the same. The emperor is the one who ca make things “work”.
The writer emphasizes the fact that the emperor has taken the right decision.